Positive Flight Specific

Product Description
Service Regulations
Specially designed for your most important shipments, TAM Cargo's Positive Flight Specific guarantees that your freight will be transported on the flight you booked. Otherwise, you will be reimbursed for the total amount of shipping costs.
Positive Flight Specific shipping ensures the reliability you require to generate an optimal plan for your transport chain from beginning to end.
Full money back guarantee product.

  • Reservation for a specific flight.
  • 100% money back guarantee on shipping costs.*
  • Available only in passenger flights.
  • Available for general and consolidated cargo.
  • Weight and size limits depending on aircraft compatibility.*
  • Airport to airport service.
*Some restrictions apply.


When making the reservation, the client must specifically request Positive Flight Specific service and declare the type of product being transported. In addition, Positive Flight Specific must be written on the product box of the Air Waybill (see detail - pdf, 1Mb). Otherwise, the shipment will be treated as a Standard Product.
Note: TAM Cargo is not responsible for errors in service assignments on the Air Waybill. The shipper is responsible for making sure the correct service information is recorded on all the necessary documentation.
A service failure occurs when the cargo is not transported on the reserved flight specified on the air waybill.*
If TAM Cargo fails to provide the guaranteed Positive Flight Specific service, the client shall be entitled to a 100% reimbursement of the shipment cost, and the freight gets transported on the next available flight.
To obtain a reimbursement, the following conditions must be met:
  • Timely delivery of freight at TAM Cargo. The time limits for acceptance of Positive Flight Specific cargo will be adjusted to each season's "Cutoff" times. Please contact your local TAM Cargo office for details.
  • The client must have had properly prepared the cargo for shipment (i.e. packing, marking, labeling, etc.) and presented all the necessary documentation.
  • The client must have reserved the space following all of TAM Cargo's requirements and in accordance with all the local and international regulations.
  • Present the claim within 21 business days from the date of the service failure.
Reimbursements will only be made to the party that made the payment, irrespective of whether made at origin or destination. No additions to the original cargo shipment are allowed.
TAM Cargo reserves the right to apply reimbursement of shipment costs, if the service failure occurs as a result of one or more of the following:
  • Force majeure. If TAM Cargo is rendered unable, wholly or in part, by force majeure to carry out the transport guaranteed, it may cancel or delay any and all flights affected by such force majeure without responsibility. Additionally, the obligations of TAM Cargo shall be suspended during the continuance of the force majeure. Force majeur shall mean any event which is not reasonably within the control of TAM Cargo including but not limited to acts of God, strikes or labor shortages, protests, weather conditions, lockout or other industrial disturbances, acts of public enemy, including, but not limited to any act(s) of terrorism, war, blockade, public riots, fires, explosions, quarantines, governmental restraints.
  • Delays due to mechanical failures.
  • Problems with fuel suppliers.
  • The cargo or its accompanying documentation is not acceptable for boarding, or if the cargo's size and weight are above the maximum limit established for the aircraft.
  • Shipper or consignee's failure to comply with one or more of the rules, terms, or rates established, including but not limited to improper and/or unsafe packaging, incomplete information on AWB, etc.
  • Cancellation by the shipper.
  • Cargo not presented at cut-off time by warehouse administrator or its representative.
  • Any other event not controlled by TAM Cargo.
  • In cases where the cargo is larger than the one in the original reservation and the excess quantity cannot be shipped on the same flight, TAM Cargo reserves the right to apply the service guarantee. 
  • TAM Cargo will not accept as Positive Flight Specific cargo:
    • Oversized pieces or shipments with weight and measurements that surpass the limits established for each aircraft.
    • Dangerous Goods.
      • Exception: shipments containing solid carbon dioxide ("dry ice") are subject to flight restrictions and approval by TAM Cargo.
    • Valuables Goods.
    • Non-cremated human remains.
    • Live Animals.
  • FAA/ TSA, ICAO, IATA, and all other related regulations apply. 
  • All handling conditions contained in the AWB apply. 
  • TAM Cargo reserves the right to change, alter, or amend this document, and the terms herein, at its sole discretion and without prior notice. 
  • TAM Cargo reserves the right to end or revoke this offer at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice. 
  • The contracting party declares knowledge and acceptance of each and every condition described herein.
